B.L.E.S.S. - 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World

Recommended by Jordan Spina / Associate Director of North American Mission


5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World

Dave Ferguson & Jon Ferguson

In their simply and accessible book Dave and Jon Ferguson do an excellent job of laying out the basic tenants of being a disciple of Jesus who seeks to bless others as they have been blessed. Through the acronym B.L.E.S.S. readers will learn to bless the way Jesus blessed by Beginning with Prayer, Listening to others, Eating and living life along side others, Serving others, and Sharing their stories. Filled with scriptural and practical applications this book is an excellent help to the church that is seeking to rethink their discipleship model and encourage people in their own walks with Jesus as they seek to step outside the walls of their church and into their communities.

More free resources can be found at www.bless-book.org.


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