Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

Recommended by Ryan Dittman / Pastor - Faith Lutheran Church, Estavan, SK & Trinity Lutheran Church, Torquay, SK

The Genius of Luther’s Theology

Robert Kolb and Charle’s P. Arand

Matthew Richard's "Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?" is a thought-provoking exploration of the various portrayals of Jesus in contemporary culture and how they measure up to the biblical account. Richard masterfully dissects twelve different "false Christs" that have emerged in modern society, each representing a distorted or incomplete view of Jesus.

The strength of Richard's work lies in his clear, concise writing and his ability to engage readers with both scholarly insight and accessible language. The book contains many “asides” that help to walk the lay person through some of the more scholarly language.

If you are looking for a book study that will help expose some of the false beliefs about Christ found in today’s culture, as well as give your parishioners some tools to help talk to others about these false beliefs, then this is a great resource. The last chapter ties everything together by taking time to look at the true Christ and all that he offers.


Martin Luther on Mental Health


The Genius of Luther’s Theology