Resource Sharing
Shared by church leaders for you to use freely within your ministry.
Passover Banquet–Order of Service
This resource provides an order of service to walk you through the traditional Seder, the meal during Passover. This was the ceremonial meal that Jesus and his disciples were eating that Christians call the “Last Supper.”
So That You May Believe - Study on the Book of John
While the other gospel writers cataloged many of His words, Jesus’ lineage, and went over their accounts with a fine tooth comb; we get the sense from John that he’s simply telling selected stories of moments that not only changed His life, but are intended to change ours as well.
Journaling the Lord’s Prayer
This one page document is a guide to praying the Lord's Prayer on a daily basis and keeping track of what God is saying to us.
IF - Advent Readings & Service Resource
Short, weekly readings focusing on traditional Advent themes. Can be used in one service or spread out over advent.
Guide to Preparing a Bible Study
This resource provides a step-by-step guide by which you can study a biblical text's context, content, and message.
Gospel Mentoring
A free, online course (short videos and optional worksheets) for those interested in learning how to reach and engage younger women in and out of the church.
Adult Catechism Sunday School
A collection of PowerPoint presentations dividing the Small Catechism content and discussion material/questions into 30 sessions, each about 40-50 minutes.