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Youth Ministry Podcasts
Podcasts are a popular way to effectively deliver content to listeners based on their needs and preferences. In a normal week, I take in several podcasts. The following list include podcasts that I enjoy and find helpful to my ministry. The list is broken up into four categories.

The Christ Key
Ryan Dittman, Pastor //
Chad Bird's "The Christ Key" is a profound examination of the Old Testament and how it reveals Christ in every book, story, and prophecy.

Martin Luther on Mental Health
Ryan Dittman, Pastor //
The book delves into Luther's personal struggles with anxiety, depression, and spiritual turmoil, providing a solid understanding of his psychological landscape. Saunders draws parallels between Luther's experiences and the mental health challenges faced by individuals today.

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Ryan Dittman, Pastor //
Matthew Richard masterfully dissects twelve different "false Christs" that have emerged in modern society, each representing a distorted or incomplete view of Jesus.

The Genius of Luther’s Theology
Clint Knutson, Lutheran Brethren Seminary //
While other volumes are available that introduce readers to the theology of Martin Luther, this volume from two eminent Lutheran professors offers a unique approach.

God at Work
Clint Knutson, Lutheran Brethren Seminary //
Unpacking the Bible’s teaching on work, Veith helps us to see the meaning in our vocations, the force behind our ethics, and the transformative presence of God in our everyday, ordinary lives.

Luther on Vocation
Clint Knutson, Lutheran Brethren Seminary //
In this classic text, noted theologian Gustaf Wingren provides a comprehensive analysis of Luther’s writings and teaching on the doctrine of vocation, elucidating the very practical and essential nature of Luther’s thought on the complex concept of vocation.

B.L.E.S.S. - 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World
Jordan Spina, North American Mission //
Through the acronym B.L.E.S.S. readers will learn to bless the way Jesus blessed by Beginning with Prayer, Listening to others, Eating and living life along side others, Serving others, and Sharing their stories.

The Art of Nieghboring
Jordan Spina, North American Mission //
The Art of Neighboring takes a practical approach to neighboring by asking the reader to look at their literal neighborhood and apply the neighboring life of Jesus in their own context.

Joining Jesus: Show Me How
Jordan Spina, North American Mission //
Joining Jesus Show Me How is a simple approach to discipleship that examines the basis tenants how Jesus discipled his disciples, taking them from ideas to practical application.

The Space Between: A Parent’s Guide to Teenage Development
Mark Johannesen, Associate Pastor //
A Space Between offers great insights into teen culture and how youth workers can point students to Jesus amidst their culture.

Speaking to Teenagers
Mark Johannesen, Associate Pastor //
If you are looking to grow in teaching the gospel to students, this book will give you a lot of practical things to think about to strengthen your teaching ministry.

Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry
Mark Johannesen, Associate Pastor //
If you are new to youth ministry, this is a great book to help you understand what youth ministry is about.

Purpose Drive Youth Ministry
Mark Johannesen, Associate Pastor //
Purpose Driven Youth Ministry lays out nine essential strategies to strengthen your strategy to reach the next generation for Jesus.

Sticky Faith
Mark Johannesen, Associate Pastor //
Sticky Faith seeks to make a case that effective ministry to teens needs to happen in conjunction with their families and the whole church.

The Worship Pastor
Dr. Brad Pribbenow, Lutheran Brethren Seminary //
An exploration of the multi-faceted role of a worship leader who wants to consider how to steward their significant role of evaluating, selecting, planning, and leading worship songs and services.

A Simplified Guide to Worshiping as Lutherans
Dr. Brad Pribbenow, Lutheran Brethren Seminary //
This book discusses the distinctives of Lutheran worship as derived from the distinctives of Lutheran theology.

Theology of Worship and Definition of Worship Elements (Paper)
Dr. Brad Pribbenow, Lutheran Brethren Seminary //
This paper is a concise summary of Lutheran Brethren theology and practice of worship. It includes a list and short definition of worship (liturgical) terms as to their role in a worship service.

Rooted Ministry Youth Curriculum
Josh Neiss, Student Ministries Director | Rooted Ministry Youth Curriculum

Youth Ministry Nuts and Bolts
Mark Johannesen, Associate Pastor //
Youth Ministry Nuts & Bolts offers foundational information and tools essential to establishing a youth ministry.