
Roger Viksnes Tim Mathiesen Roger Viksnes Tim Mathiesen

Rooted Gap-Year Begins

The Rooted Gap Year program is off and running and I couldn’t be more thankful for the way things have started. We have eight incredible young adults from all over the country who have come to be discipled, to live in community, and to serve the Lord.

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Cheryl Olsen Tim Mathiesen Cheryl Olsen Tim Mathiesen

Women Together: In the Word, in Life, in Mission

This was one of my favorite Women’s Ministries conventions! Why? I think it was how the theme of “Women Together” was embodied in this day. Together, every two years, we, as women, have this opportunity to forge new friendships, embrace long-lost friends, and raise our voices in praise to God who created us as individuals, but unites us together in his Body.

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Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen

International Presidents Visit

When planning began for this year’s biennial convention of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America—themed “Partner in Mission”—it seemed very appropriate to invite the synodical presidents of our international LB synods with which we remain active in mission partnership.

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Paul Larson Tim Mathiesen Paul Larson Tim Mathiesen

Thank you

To those of you who attended BC24, to those of you who sent and supported this gathering, to all of the CLB—I greet you as partners in mission!  Indeed, I am so very grateful that we are “in this together.”

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