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Navigating the Cultural Tides
What has helped us navigate biblical truths is taking part in an intergenerational Bible Study: an intentional practice that builds relationships and fosters learning between people of different age groups.
Jesus: God with Skin On
But Christmas is also a time for reflection on what Jesus actually did, in giving up his heavenly throne and becoming human: Jesus was God “with skin on!” As his kinfolk, can we follow his example in this season? Where do we see incarnational ministry―God’s love with skin on?
Christ for Women’s Mental Health
In many instances my clients were not just the children who had come to my office for help, but also the parents who came with them, most often mothers. Mothers who were exhausted, anxious, depressed, lost, and breaking under pressure―struggling to know how to help themselves and their children.
Women Together: In the Word, in Life, in Mission
This was one of my favorite Women’s Ministries conventions! Why? I think it was how the theme of “Women Together” was embodied in this day. Together, every two years, we, as women, have this opportunity to forge new friendships, embrace long-lost friends, and raise our voices in praise to God who created us as individuals, but unites us together in his Body.
Theology is for Everyone
We need the meat and potatoes that Scripture can offer. The deeper we dig into the Bible, the more we learn we don’t know it all. So, dig deep for great riches and even greater understanding.