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I Never Wanted to be a Pastor
I loved listening to people and speaking into their lives. I loved seeing the Bible brought to life in people. I loved teaching. I loved Jesus and his promise to heal, reconcile, and transform. But I didn’t want to be a pastor.
My Journey to Seminary
Over the past ten years working as a studio potter, I have travelled across the Upper Midwest with my small business, teaching, hosting pottery events, and sharing my testimony through my wheel demonstrations. During this time, the Lord began revealing to me some deep truths about his sovereignty, my relationship with him, and the transformative work he wanted to do in my life.
Fall 2024 Incoming Students
Get to know the five new students of Lutheran Brethren Seminary, starting the Fall 2024 semester.
The Human Person
What does it mean to be human? Looking at that question, you might suggest that perhaps I’m biting off more than I can chew in a short article. A question like that falls into the same category as, “What is the meaning of life?” or “How do I know who I am?”