Karen Stenberg Tim Mathiesen Karen Stenberg Tim Mathiesen

More Christian Education in Chad

With the success of a first school, Gethsemane de Meube, established in a village in Chad, there has been an increasing desire for more schools in other villages. In response, the CLB has started a second school: Gethsemane de N’Djamena-Bousso.

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Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen

Lausanne Congress 2024

Dr. Joel Christenson (Lutheran Brethren Seminary) and I had the privilege to experience this when we participated in the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization, held in Seoul, South Korea, September 22-28, 2024.

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Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen

Caring for Adult Missionary Kids

On the weekend of September 6-8, Lutheran Brethren International Mission (LBIM) hosted a retreat for former missionary kids at Inspiration Point Christian Camp & Retreat Center in Vining, Minnesota. This time away was meant for those who had spent a portion of their childhood as children of missionaries serving with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.

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Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen Dan Venberg Tim Mathiesen

International Presidents Visit

When planning began for this year’s biennial convention of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America—themed “Partner in Mission”—it seemed very appropriate to invite the synodical presidents of our international LB synods with which we remain active in mission partnership.

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Rod Spidahl Tim Mathiesen Rod Spidahl Tim Mathiesen

Cameroon Celebrating 100 Years

It is Sunday, March 17th, day one of the centennial celebration of the Lutheran Brethren Church of Cameroon. It seems I am dreaming, having just crossed the Logone river this morning from Chad in a wooden canoe.

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Kirsten Holzner Tim Mathiesen Kirsten Holzner Tim Mathiesen

Grace, the Greatest Gift

As the air ambulance landed on the tarmac in Paris, France, I was placed on a gurney and rushed to a major hospital in downtown Paris. The icy February air bit at my cheeks, so different from the balmy warm air of Bokoro, Chad, where I’d been just a few days earlier.

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